viglink make money on internet

make money viglink (sovrn) on Internet.

make money viglink  is one of popular in-text content monetization and affiliate marketing program run through a java script. One day I was working on blog spot and saw a promo of viglink and skim link together for money making from blog. I decided to submit my website to viglink and I do it. My website get approved in a day.

viglink affiliate review

After log in I get a JavaScript link for adding in my blog. Get installed, Viglink found some keywords on my website and make automatic linking. When I checked merchant explorer these links some merchant does not exist, I contact customer support about these links and links get blocks. I found some good things about viglink  In-text advertising does not affect seo level; follow dmca for adding automatic linking. User  friendly browser experience. Ads display by java script looks better than ads display by html link.

Viglink provide two options for adding links first is identify keywords, you can add product or brand name expect automatic linking can be take time of 24 hours and second option is added web URL these URL add automatic linking. I think first option drive more conversion but you have to monitor each and every page of  website.  Viglink has least payment system just  $25 for monthly payout in bank accounts. Sovrn takes 25% of revenue and paid remain 75% as referral money for links you added but Sovrn also take 50% for automatic links generated on website.

Click reporting time is 3 hours. Conversion reporting time are depends on merchant. As all affiliate program depends on advertiser reporting whether they report or not. If you did not make money here you did not make money anywhere from affiliate program.

Major problem viglink and other advertising network encounter are ad blocker or java script blocker. This problem affect minimize ad revenue but website visitor can not find any ads or promo. Same problem exist with all other network that shows ads by JavaScript. Viglink make payment through paypal only. I have earned only $0.8 with viglink, which viglink has not paid to me till time. So, I decided to quit it as earlier they say there is not any threshold payment limit but later, I contact to viglink support And  they respond to my query I have to earn $1 minimum for getting payment from viglink.

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Disclosure: This website displays some affiliate links which redirect you to advertisers. And I earn some money if you click and buy something. But don't worry, you don't have to pay excess money for this.

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