blogger seo tips and quick start guide at
Hi! I introduced  Quick Start Guide and blogger seo tips  at my word press blog topicslive .com.

Start a blog with blogger and get blogger seo tips
Blogger is a most popular web design and content making  website where you can make your personal and professional blog with less effort and without spending money. Blogger is a free service that can be used by Google users only. Else Anybody who want to promote himself, any brand, any products or want to share some stories that
might be helpful to anyone in the world. Blogspot can be used for spamming or only for affiliate marketing website without adding sufficient content. So you must make your content length above 250 words per post and much better is you add content atleast 300 words for better blogger seo tips.
To get started with blogger you must log-in in with Gmail or Google sign-in ID and password. After that one dashboard of blogger comes like that. Now selected create new blog. As the shown in the picture choose a topic which you find more suitable, this will be your website of blog title. Also choose URL for blog must be suitable for audience and match to website keyword. Don’t try to choose absurd words or keyword that has not any relationship with your blog. Choose a blog template and Go live.
Better way of Content Writing best blogger seo tips
After creating a blog, next step is writing content for a blog, so that you can your ideas can reach to
audience. Do not go too much lengthy, choose 3 to 5 keywords and write only all ideas of one topic, no
t to indulge in counting words. You should not try to repeat same topic again. Otherwise search engine treat this as spam. Ideally your blog length should be minimum 300 unique words. Better is you must write 500-700 words in blogger. Do not copy paste or make any duplicate content, else write your own view. Choose a tag which you place on blog for searching post by tag and unique description of blog that display in search engine results.
Free optimization Guide blogger
Go to Setting                   Basic                      Search preference
A picture shown here will be displayed. Choose your website title, description of blog and also can choose a custom domain. I suggest you to choose Go daddy installation process is very easy.
 blogger seo tips share automatic posts on Google+ Network
Blogger has a advantage over wordpress , that you can easily bring free blog traffic by sharing all posted automatically after writing in Google+ social network. It’s good for seo and long-term benefits. Don’t do it if you don’t want to do it for short-term.
Increase traffic with Google web master
Blogger website are listed automatically on Google search engine, you can also submit content to Google through Google web master. Google web master shows all data from keyword ranking to back links, block pages to spam filtering but not locations. Use an robot.txt to control crawling.
Google Analytics is an advance level of tracking method in which you have to install a tracking method in blogspot all tracking data shows up-to-date. Google analytics shows upto 1000 keywords searched in search engine. New adsense and adword integration in blogger and Google analytics entice user to create a blog on blogger .com.